Dear paint inspectors, we are glad to inform you that next round of our photo contest is here! You can send us your pictures and win Paint Inspector´s Field Guide from TQC. And which kind of picture should you send? This time we have a thematic round-industrial objects. It means for example windmills, bridges etc...
Some shipyards do not work correctly and arrange the cheaper subcontractors which do not have experienced leaders and skilled workers and in some time they do not have enough workers. Working at these kinds of projects can be really hard. Read interview with Franjo Tomljenovic and find out more!
Our seventh round of photo contest is over and we already now the winner. This time it is Filip Bakyov with his picture called Ocean Pride. We have received more than thirty very nic pictures but the winner can be only one. Keep on reading and find out more information about winning picture and its author.
We would like to thank all of you for joining our photo contest. We truly appreciate your interest. All pictures were really nice but the winner can be only one. This time it is Filip Bakyov with his picture of “Ocean Pride” ship.
Dear all,
there are only few days left until the end of our photo contest. If you want to win Paint Inspector´s Field Guide valued 110 Euro than do not hesitate and join our contest!
Dear paint inspectors, we are glad to inform you that our photo contest has been prolonged. So you still have time to send us your pictures and in the end of March the winner is going to be announced! For more information about photo contest keep on reading.
Dear all, we are glad to inform you that our technical difficulties have been solved so you can contact us without any problems. But because of the troubles we have decided to prolong our photo contest until we end of this month! So more of you can send us their nice pictures and share them with others.
We are very sorry but due to technical difficulties with Internet connection we are not able to response to your emails right away. We will revert to you as soon as possible. In case of any questions you can contact us via mobile phones.
Thank you for your understanding and patience! Team at PIC
Dear friends,
we are glad to inform you that next round of our photo contest is here! You can send us your pictures and win Paint Inspector´s Field Guide from TQC. And which kind of picture should you send? You have wide scale of possibilities. It can be technical pictures, picture from your project-marine, windmills...It does not matter! Something interesting from shipyard or just beautiful nature. Take an inspiration from previous rounds.
I don´t like treating labour, says Mohamed Elhamalawi who won in Big Christmas photo contest. What else he does not like about his job of paint inspector and what the other way around he likes? Keep on reading and you will find out how did he get his winning picture.
In Big Christmas photo contest we have received nearly forty nice pictures but we could evaluate only three of them. One of lucky the winners is Reuben Geverola from the Philippines. Below you can find out where was his winning picture taken and what is his life of paint inspector about.
Dear paint inspectors,
thank you very much for all nice pictures which you sent to our Big Christmas photo contest. All pictures were really nice and it was very difficult to choose only three of them. We are going to do next round of photo contest so someone else can win. Thank you for your support!